

▲台南全美戲院仍維持「手繪電影海報」(看板)的傳統,由顏振發師傅繪製。(圖/取自YouTube。攝影Tassanee Vejpongsa)(影片連結點這裡


在電影產業走向3D的現在,位於台南的全美戲院(Chuan Mei Theatre)仍保留著老戲院的風格──沒有電腦輸出的門票和絨布座椅,而是人工蓋章的紙片戲票,觀眾坐在簡單的金屬椅子上。但全美戲院更搶眼的是──入口上方掛的是懷舊的、3公尺平方大小的「手繪電影海報」(手繪看板)。

國際媒體美聯社(The Associated Press,AP)記者Tassanee Vejpongsa在9月7日採訪台南全美戲院,新聞稿於11日見諸國外各大媒體,讓台灣南部的這家戲院揚名世界。

手繪電影海報(看板)曾經是流行的藝術形式,如今61歲的師傅顏振發卻是台灣最後一個從事這行的人。美聯社記者描述,在周日(7日)的早晨,顏振發坐在劇院門口的人行道上,就在這「臨時的工作室」,繪製著動感十足的《末日之戰》(World War Z)。

「關鍵在你要抓住這個人的特徵,」顏振發解釋自己怎麼繪製該片男主角布萊德彼特(Brad Pitt),「我們必須把一個較小的素描放大,所以你要知道如何縮放、掌握人物的特徵。」







原文網址: 比3D更動人心!台南全美戲院「手繪電影看板」名揚國際 | ETtoday生活新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 http://www.ettoday.net/news/20130913/269898.htm#ixzz2erBnDoDv
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Taiwanese painter keeps up movie-poster tradition

In this day of multiplexes and 3-D projection, the Chuan Mei theatre in the southern Taiwanese city of Tainan is a reminder of the way movie-going used to be.

Instead of computer-generated tickets and plush-sofa-like seats, patrons are given hand-stamped pieces of paper indicating the time of their performance and seated on simple metal chairs.

But the theatre’s most eye-catching pieces of nostalgia hang above the entrance: Hand-painted movie posters, three metres square, illustrate the daily bill of fare.

The oil paintings are the life’s work of 61-year-old Yan Jhen-fa, the last practitioner of this once-popular art form in Taiwan.

On a recent weekday morning, Yan was sitting in his makeshift studio on the sidewalk in front of the theatre, working on an action-packed poster advertising the apocalyptic blockbuster World War Z.

“The key is you have to recognise the special features of the person,” he explains, taking time off from his painstaking rendering of megastar Brad Pitt, the film’s leading man. “We have to enlarge the painting from a smaller original, so you have to know how to scale the picture first.”

Theatre owner Wu Jun-cheng acknowledges that by using Yan to make the posters, he is bucking the trend of modernity. But he says it’s well worth it for him to pay Yan NT$20,000 (HK$5,207) a month to produce two or three posters per week.

“We think the oil paintings give our theatre a certain atmosphere,” he says. “And because Mr Yan can paint so well, we don’t want to give that up.”

To patrons, the posters and the theatre’s overall simplicity are welcome throwbacks to an era they remember happily.

“I take my children here so they can experience the old movie theatre atmosphere,” said Carey Chen. “Of course, there are other movie theatres with better interior designs, but the tickets are more expensive and there is no sentimental feeling about it.”

In recent months Yan and his posters have begun to attract considerable interest throughout Tainan, Taiwan’s oldest city. He now holds weekend painting classes, attended by as many as 40 students.

But reflecting on a career that spans some 40 years, he doubts that any of them will follow in his footsteps and become full-time painters of movie poster art.

“It’s hard work and requires lots of patience,” he explains. “Still, I am happy to spread my love of painting to more and more people.”





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